Maxwell Street Days Sidewalk Sale & Art Walk
Friday Aug 6, 2021
Friday, August 6th, 2021 & Saturday, August 7th, 2021 Maxwell Street Days is a city-wide event and businesses along the Main Street corridor will be offering deals.
The event is free, stores/vendors will charge for items purchased.
Whitewater Area Chamber of Commerce Join us for our annual sidewalk sale days! Local stores will be having sales all weekend, regional & local vendors will be joining us to share their products and goods with the Whitewater community, and special food and beverage vendors will provide some tasty treats.
Date and Time
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
9:00 am to 5:00 pm 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Here is Friday's Schedule of Activities
Downtown Whitewater Activities
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Sidewalk Sales
Giant Yard Games available in the 1st Street Picnic Area
11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Roasted Corn and Smoothies sales courtesy of the Whitewater First United Methodist Youth Group
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Enjoy music during your lunch w/Bahama Bob in the 1st Street Picnic Area
Music Performances at the Whitewater Cultural Arts Center
11:00 am
Piano performance by Sophie Walton
12:00 pm
Vocal Performance by students from the UWW Voice Academy & Voice Studios
Lannette Calhoun & Brian Leeper, piano
1:00 pm
Whitewater High School singers with direction from Karen Tordera
2:00 pm
UWW Student Jazz Combo featuring; Alex Fiedler-Trombone, Wesley Woitowicz-Bass, Ryley Dlugi-Drums, and Brandon Terwilliger-Alto SaxLocation
Here is an interactive map of the participating businesses and vendorsFees/Admission
Contact Information
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This year the Whitewater Arts Alliance will be hosting an Art Walk during Maxwell Street Days. They will have artists showcasing and demonstrating their work during the weekend as well as local musicians sharing their talent with us. The Art Walk will be located on the Whitewater Cultural Arts Center grounds. Check out the artists below!
Get out and enjoy the late summer sales and activities!
Participating Vendors are:
Avon w/Anjie
Sorella's w/MishMash Jewelry
Melody Judge Collection by Paparazzi
UsBorne Books
Whitewater First United Methodist Youth Group - Roasted Corn/Smoothies
Ice Age Trail Alliance
Whitewater Fire DepartmentImages